Monday, May 25, 2009

post again... XD
have been slackin nw adaes...
either slp slp, watch TV or jus go out...
keke.. =P

todae went for PSL's meeting N dance farewell party! =D
PSL's meeting:

jus brief us wad r we suppose to do for the sec 2 eng camp...
im the station master for "SPELLING BEES"
same wif mdm ng!!!
gonna be fun bahs :D
n sme discussion on the adv on thurs
eu all shall noe on thurs assembly...

Dance's farewell party:

party nt as planned...
but still go smoothly! :)
starting of the party SHOCKED the seniors out
then followed by slideshw, games, certificate presentations, eat, chat
everione laugh laugh laugh all the wae till the end...
but i laugh until i reach HP.
due to the "cold" jokes told by the grps of boy...

then reached hme slack again... =P
nw gonna do sme printins le...
bye! ;D

Four Seasons blogged at 5:07 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009

finally back! :D
lye nvr on com for bout months?
but n e wae
mid-yr xam is O-V-E-R!!!
NO mre studying until late late....
NO mre panda eyes!!
overall i tin i will do badly bahs =P
killer-papers: physcis, A- math, SS

aiya wadeva...
i alr hand in my paper le...
olso cannt change liao ...

ytd went out wif E, S, M, V aft the exam!!!
had a lot of fun n siao-ed a lot XD
but i had to leave early cus goin out wif my mum...
then went jurong pnt...
reach hme at around 9pm...
so tired!!! >.<
but at least better than staying at hme bahs...

stil gt a lot of tins havent settle yet...
goin back to sch on markin dae!!!>.<
but at least still can sleep late late durin the weekend! ^^
SO cool!!!

todae went joggin in the mrnin
run until half-wae then stomach-ache!
but at least gt run 4 rounds... (^.^)

kk... post till here... *poof*
~so random~

Four Seasons blogged at 10:46 PM