Thursday, December 17, 2009

hi yo!!!
im back.
finally after 1 month plus.. =.=
went to PAL camp n taiwan trip.
( a little bit lack to post tis luh )


the whole camp rocks! even though its diff
frm last yr PAL camp.
probabaly becus there is mre ppl of my badge n
the two jokers (keith n edwin)LOL
no offence! its a compliment (:
so yah went there for 3 days 2 nights n got
even bonded with them! we shared secrets. LOL
the NACLI printed my name wrongly on the certificate
so they sae they gona send me another one
but till now, they still didnt send me yet =.=
i want my one!!!

went to taiwan, had a lot of fun (excludin the mr. cloud n sme ppl)
i missed it! ._.
wan to go back again n shop till i drop. not jus one hr of xi men ding!
the food over there were SUPERB n NICE clothing too XD!
the food is cheap but the clothes mus bargain if nt is mre ex than SIN loh!
wan to buy olso cannot! :X
its a paradise FOR food and shoppin!! :D
time files n soon the eight days were o-v-e-r
took lots of photos but some were nt with me.. gona get if frm my friens
OH YA.. i olso went to the taipei 101. wah seh damn pretty..
such a waste we nvr go up n c!!! argh!!!
had a fun time with my buddies n her friens.
had overseas frien nw! ^^
i was so xcited when i saw her cus its been
a while since we last met n plus we nvr exchange msn last
time cus i forget n she thought her teacher will give but never ._.
so had a fun night durin the homestay.
her mother even gave me a ten bucks! cus
she sae very special. only on special occasions
then the gov will give. thks lot!
it was very SAD when we gotta leave yi-shue..
we just bonded tgt but its time to sae gdbyes liao... :((
i wan to go back again!
i missed the days of fun tat i had!!!
luckily, tis time we exchanged msn... hehe! ^^
will go back again..

tues went back to sch..
n i tht there is "dance bonding"
finally... ...
but realised i was wrng when yijin told me
they r goin to celebrate my birthdae.
well, i xpected they will do smth to me.
but i was WRNG! they were killing me!
they gave me a birthday bash...
tis was reali my 1st time !!!
well, i gave a birthday bash to my classmates last yr
but never dreamt of one day ppl giving me that!
Well, thks dancers! it was a meomorable birthdae for me! (:
thks for the cake! its mickey! i never get to c the wordins cus it was destroyed.
but heng, vee gt take the picture of the cake before we played water bomb
n i saw on her blog the picS.. omg!!!
its so damn unglam.. :#
but who cares! >.<
the icecream cake was yummy.. thks man!
(but a little bit gross when we played with it :X)
but I LOVE IT luhs..
~touched by u guys~
thks lot lot lot!!! <3
went to cherilyn huse after wards n played TRUE OR DARE with her ipod touch.
did a lot of stupid tins n shared a lot of tins too!
it was my first time doin all the tins we played!!!
gettin someone to knee dwn n proposed...
gettin my sistas to kiss me...
argh!! so sweet!
it was reali veri fun! n i enjoyed a lot!
thks for the day n i love u guys! muaks!!!

went out with my clique n my old classmates ytd..
it was fun! but too little time spent tgt!
cus the movie took 3 hrs or so...
the movie was cool. at 1st i tht it was ok
but didnt expect it to turn out so well...
had a surprise in the cinema when i got my present
in a box of popcorns! initially when i touched
the present i tht is sme free gifts or the ppl
at the counter gave us a box of smth so i didnt take it out
n jus continued with my popcorns..
then i touched it again..
so i jus took it out n sy turned n told me "happy birthday"
so i was lye wad?! n realised tat was my present! LOL. (THKS!)
aft the movies WAS ALR 9PM! ._.
went to eat BOTAK aftwards..
watched a free magic shw!!
though it was not as sucessful, it was damn funny!
i burst with laughters! LOL.
... ...
it was alr 11.30pm went i reached hme!
thks everyone for cmin out to celebrate my belated brithday!
thks lot lot n i love the presents...
thks! (especially to sam who jus came back frm overseas..)
<3 u guys! :D

ok.. tis entry shall be the longest one tat i ever posted..
to be updated.. (hopefully) XD

Four Seasons blogged at 4:31 AM