Saturday, June 5, 2010

im back again.
for dunnoe how many wks ltr...
finally. its holi-day!
bt it just don't feel like holiday at all! :(
mayb cus i still need to go back to sch for lessons.
but eveything just seems to be so d-e-a-d ._.

a wk just passed n i jus wild my days away...
duno wad im doin.
typical timetable:
~ go school
~ eat
~ slp
~ eat
~ watch tv
~ slp


sad hor? so meaningless n borin!
my life too dull...
had lunch with my dance friens
very funny lor
we crap while eating.
have been excersin my stomach muscle..
cus laugh too hard until my stomach pain:P
finaly goin out with my dance clique on thurs.
hope there isnt any last min change..
i tin its gonna be fun.
1st time out for fun! woohoo

i feel like goin to watch the dance "concert"
or shwcase by the korean dancers leh
seem to be nice!
like gt alot of powerful dance..
shall go c c...
btw theres a dance competition in july
dunnoe if shld go sign up.
if we r in, my life sure becme colourful again ;)
hope mc chan can go find out mre bout the competition n
update us again (:

i wan go for an holidae leh
meaning go overseas..
i wan go thai! i wan go korea! i wan go paris!
have to wait till dec holi bahs ;(
still a lng lng way to go..

kk. post till here..


Four Seasons blogged at 9:16 PM