Monday, July 4, 2011

haha. im back.
i mean im real back.
finally can let go of my day dreaming .___.
just realised how stupid im :x

got a cut few days ago.
it kept bleeding so i put a plaster on
(though i hate plaster ttm)
it was ok at first
but then the pain come back again... -.-
so pain that i cant even use that finger.
it looks swollen though :X
my mum asked me to take it out cus its too tight.
i dont believe at first, thought smehow i got another cut.
but when i took it out, i was shocked that my finger feel like a stone
so dry and crack...
but after i mositure it with water, it feels better and the pain
was gone (:
morale of the story:
even if it is pain, cover it up may not necessarily be good
let it heal by itself as the time passed...
the more u try to hide, the worst it can get.
let it go when u feel is too pain... :D

yea. chatted alot with my sis ytd.
so cool lah
tell her everything about me and she is totally mad
talking nonsense that will nvr happen to me throughout the conver
i hope my prediction is right, she gonna treat me ANYTHING!!!!

~never mess up my life! i bite(:

Four Seasons blogged at 10:59 PM

im fine to those that are worried about me(:
thks alot! glad that u all cared about me
that is more than enough... haha.

hm... i need practice some self control.
have been greedy for the past few days...
i think that is when i had nth to do.
oh god.
but i dont want back to my hectic life.
always so pack then i cant think properly.
so like a puppet doing what is required...
i need to do smth. prehaps engross in my dance.
dance dance and forgot all my probs.
god, let me dance once again.. pls.

for once is it ok?

Four Seasons blogged at 12:58 AM

Sunday, July 3, 2011

cry cry...
why am i always the one kena all these crap?!
unfair. unfair.
im so sincere but the god doesnt answer my prayers.
its a nightmare... so scary to me...

good things always run away frm me, leaving with all the
bad bad things. i think im considered miracle to
have survive through all these...
i dk how describe all these. just hope things will get better and thats
is more than enough... ...

Four Seasons blogged at 6:40 AM

Saturday, July 2, 2011


thks sam for the tickets, hehe.
the ndp rehersal rocks. the fireworks were simply awesome.
has been a long time since i watched those parade live!
after which we started cam-worhing.
but thks to eliz dslr, had to use phone to take instead.
was great though.. had a lot of fun time jumping here and there...
but my leg hurts when i got back home :X

phew. was so angry just nw that i posted some vulgarities when
i nvr ever did that in my whole life...
i cant beleieve that though. hmm....
shall practice more self control.
(: psps

good things will nvr stay... is always a H-I-S-T-O-R-Y...
aww... but i knw that day will not happen again.
its more than enough. ((: cant help but smile while typing.

Four Seasons blogged at 11:32 PM