Friday, August 19, 2011

i just needed to be more open and stay strng despite all the odds...

pls let me be...

Four Seasons blogged at 8:29 AM

Friday, August 12, 2011

wah phew.... im back!
was so freaking tired ytd when writing my stupid econs essay
not stupid but dk which thing need write
so just throw in everything
i think i can be a publisher real soon man...

i want slp.........
so nice to slp...
dreading to slp...
i think i had the piggy genes
oink! haha ^(@)^

its so funny to stare at someone studying...
hehe if u knw im talking about who :P

goodluck for ur exam tmr... :D

Four Seasons blogged at 5:35 AM

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

i want fly!!!!
go overseas and put down whatever stuff im worrying now!
i envy ppl who fly here and there like nobody
business... those that led a carefree lifestlye
wonder how they achieve that...
it is so hard to just let urself do what u want...
say what u want say...
so pls... smbody take me out of my boring 16 yrs of life!!!
this is freaking random i knw...

~eliz... cant wait for our trip man...
hopefully the day will cme FAST :DDD

its kinda amazing to see how love can create happiness,
to make one throw away one's pride and dignity and be the
most foolish and stubborn ppl...
im glad my dear friend has threw away the past and proceed on
she started smiling and continue her life ^^
i guess the experience afterall is not too bad
at least it had make her stronger than before.

never start when u knw it is going to end
being single is nthing bad about it because u
get ur personal life (:

Four Seasons blogged at 10:27 AM

Monday, August 8, 2011

finally.... i've been wanting to blog so much
hopefully can distress.. but too much to complain
dk where to start alr...
LOL. my life has been so hectic.
mon tues wed thurs fri sat sun
just flew past me unknowingly...
like a zombie lifestlye without really knwing why and what im doing :X
i really need to "slow down"
but i knw that is impossible.... everyone around me is chiongster!
hate them ttm!!! nt as though their academics are weak.
they are studying while im outside shopping?
gosh... give them tight slaps >.<

but luckily i gt a super gd sis....
always supporting to me... aww....
i knw i always complain that im going to die soon
i used that phrase like zillionth time but i still survived.
this is so called the hell life...
*tadah* =.=
lacking of slp everyday... i want slp! LOL.
i think i like to slp so much cus of 2 reasons

1. cus i really need recharge after a long day
2. i want to escape frm reality

i hate friends who dont bother about the friendship,
who are selfish,
who wait for u to take the initiatives to contact u first...
really hate when i have to sms first
so i am not going to do that anymore
i wonder how my sis can tahan all these craps...
my dear sis :
pls just dont do all these when they give u this shit attitude..
is such a lame excuse nt as though they didnt know it beforehand loh...
true friends are hard to come by... most of them will just come and go
this is nt the 1st time alr... u still plan so much.. haiz
just ignore them till they cme and look for u kk....

shit am i teaching u the right thing? oops :P

i wanna go overseas!!!! erase all unhappy memories
and start my life all over again!
i wish only =.=

i really hope im wrong. is i think too much.

Four Seasons blogged at 8:51 PM