Tuesday, November 29, 2011

people!!!!!! im such a failure!
i cant take care of myself properly!!!
wth! i accidentally sprained my knee cap this time round...
gosh... its like i dislocated or smth?!
im jumping down liao... eveytime i get myself
with injuries everywhere after dance! -.-
i gt plenty of blueblack, blister and a freaking
sprained knee... what a package right?!
argh!!! im so immersed in the dance then *crack*
why?! why?! why?!
peoeple are so graceful, i thought i will be maybe one
and yea... im such clumsy girl T.T

kill me!!!!
i want back my knee! sob.

~appreciated kindness! thks!

Four Seasons blogged at 8:08 AM

Friday, November 25, 2011

i knw i should be slping cus im damn tired now...
but... really want to say that life is filled
with ups and downs... why?! how to knw when one is lying
or one is sincere about it? why cant ppl honour their promises?
how can one hurt their love ones like this?!
i can nvr forgive them, regardless of their reasons.
to me they are all excuses!!!

hope god help her through this... ((:
~pray everything will be fine for her~

Four Seasons blogged at 9:35 AM

there goes the end of the sch term
it seems like hell long but *tadah*
i have surevived!!!! wahahahaha....
im gonna use this hol efficiently!
both play and work(:
hopefully if nth went wrong i will be in lessons
for god know how long since i wanted!!! >.<
but still, better late than never!
have been stop dancing for like months...
but surprisingly im not feeling 'itchy' or
'buay song' :X
is it that i lost the passion?
aiya... anyway be it if im losing that desire
or what-so-ever, i will not stop dancing until
i stepped down frm CCA.. haha :D

im gonna have fun fun fun!
with family, friends and dance.
from now onwards im gonna be carefree...
my goals are FINAALY set!
muhahahahhaha... wont ever EVER feel lost again
i will charge towards it!
yea~ get ready to see me, the -REBORN- of Ade(:
bye bye old Ade, HI!!! new Ade :D

Four Seasons blogged at 7:21 AM

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

la la la~~~
life is amazing. sometimes u have good and bad surprise
will make ur day :) or :(
argh shit. im so tired now adays.
fell aslp the moment i touch my comfy bed~ yawn~
just wish i have alittle time more...
learn to give and take, stay optimistic that is what i learnt frm NE trips
nt bad seh ^^
but seriously. i didnt know it was him and his voice is so stable and firm
that i have no second thoughts but gave him my trust...
sometimes i thought since he didnt complain
about his life why should i? i shall appreciates the things around me now^^
teehee :P

wish there was someone to pour my soes... haha
acting emo now
(drawing circles)
muhahahahahah :D

Four Seasons blogged at 8:47 AM