Tuesday, May 27, 2014

FAMILY. FRIENDS. Both are important to me but they can never replace each and other's positions. Well, I used to think that both are equally important but after through so many ups and downs i finally see why they say FAMILY is FAMILY. and of course, in my heart, FAMILY is and will always be my #1!!! ummm.... through these years i've been through alot of ups and downs but probably my friends wouldn't knw because is either they cannt sense it or they couldn't bother. And i really appreciate my FAMILY for being there for me, supporting and lifting me up from the piles of shits i'm in. smetimes i may be bad in expressing my like, appreciation but i do rmb all the little things here and there and am really grateful to sme while feeling disappointed with sme at the same time. am sorry for those that i didn't show my appreciation when they helped me alot... im just bad at expressing myself with words but am really grateful deep down in my heart. but im also disappointed with those that i thought will back me up, will fight for me and most importantly, will be there when i need them. i can understand that they maybe busy at times but i just thought that it would be better if they could at least show sme efforts in the friendships. I value any relationships, be it friendship, love-relationship or kinship. i always perceive relationships as smth like a rope with two ends. I will be holding on one end while the other partner holds on the other end. I dont like the feeling when i sense that the rope has loosen and only left me holding onto the rope. There's no point holding onto a rope when the other partner don't put in the effort. so be it whatever type of relationship, I will always be holding onto the rope till and only till when the other party loosen the rope. i wont let go unless the other party let goes. but i wont hold on when the other party has let it go too. is really saddening to see as time pass,relationships have diluted. sigh sigh. but that is perhaps the facts in life. and hence the saying, ONLY FAMILY will always be by your side, unconditionally. so i really really cherish my family. (the girl that i used to know. she is living in her glass bottle still and is trying to live back her old self. she earnestly prayed for strength and confidence. she fell but she climbed up. she is waiting.... waiting for someone to break the glass bottle and run with her. anywhere will do, as long as that someone will holds her hand, without the thought of letting it go. will that day come true...?)

Four Seasons blogged at 11:21 AM